No One Stacks Up To You…

Happy Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday!

Shrove Tuesday is a religious event celebrated in many countries around the world. It falls on the Tuesday before Lent which is always 47 days before Easter Sunday. Traditionally during lent Christians give up rich foods such as butter, eggs, and sugar - therefor Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) was the last chance to eat those tasty items before giving them up for Lent.

What better way to celebrate than with a delicious pancake?

In my opinion, any day is a great day for a pancake or waffle!

I celebrated the day with waffles ( the best form of pancakes I can find ) for supper, after creating a yummy card to mark the occasion!

I don’t really know anyone who sends a card in celebration of Pancake Tuesday, maybe you do?

However, any reason to create a fun filled card with a big stack of pancakes can be justified.

Will I be sending or giving this card to someone in regards to Pancake Day? - Most likely not.

I am planning to give this adorable card to my husband for Valentine’s Day (tomorrow) because he has a true die hard love for maple syrup. Since the creation of the card included some really intense Maple Syrup drips this only seems fitting for him.

And it is true, no one quite stacks up to him.


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